Consultancy and Total Solutions Training Provider for Embedded Systems, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Programming, Computing, Operations, ISO9000, ISO14000 and Management.

Bridging the Gap

Training Courses

Dr Royan Ong

Dr Royan Ong had been tinkering with electronics and computers since the tender age of ten. He has championed electronics since his schooling days with participation and guiding students for electronics competitions and events. He obtained his BEng in Electronics and Software (1st Class Hons) and PhD from the University of Leicester, UK, in 1998 and 2003. Dr Ong developed and implemented software-augmented hardware-based error detection and/or correction techniques for processors used in safety critical and reliable embedded systems, as part of his PhD. He was the pioneer student in Embedded Systems under the tutelage of Prof Michael Pont, CEO and founder of TTE Systems Ltd (

Dr Ong is the Principal Consultant for Software and Embedded Systems, and the Director of Operations, with ProvenPac Sdn Bhd ( He is a consultant and professional instructor in Embedded Systems (hardware and software), FPGAs and programming, having trained over 1300 engineers since 2008. Dr Ong combines his technical and education background in developing training programmes for various establishments.

Prior to ProvenPac, Dr Ong was a Senior Lecturer in Advance Computer Architecture, VLSI Design and Embedded Systems at Monash University, Malaysia. Before that, he was a Lecturer in Embedded Systems at the University of Leicester, UK. Dr Ong started his professional career as a researcher on the GLACSWEB Project ( with the University of Southampton, UK, creating and developing the world’s only wireless sub-glacial monitoring system to aid studies in Global Warming.

Dr Ong's focus and research interest centres around Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), with Embedded Systems, Digital Design and FPGAs forming his research platform. In particular, he is involved in the development of ultra-low power WSNs and their application in domotic and hostile environments. His other interests are photography and hiking.SQL: Query failed: Expression #2 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by