Consultancy and Total Solutions Training Provider for Embedded Systems, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Programming, Computing, Operations, ISO9000, ISO14000 and Management.

Bridging the Gap

Training Courses

Advanced FPGA Interfacing and Optimisation

Course id: 0032


The digital age heralds the need for vast data processing and number crunching capabilities to satisfy our insatiable needs. Applications such as video compression/ decompression, voice recognition and 3D graphics typically required electronic devices to incorporate some form of hardware acceleration to produce the required processing throughput.

This course covers advanced FPGA interfacing with DDR2/3 memory; and optimization techniques such as loop unrolling, pipelining, chaining and multicycling.

Course highlight
Participants would have hands-on experience using the Altera DE2 Developmet Kit and the Quartus II design environment.

What you will learn

This course concentrates on the theoretical and practical knowledge covering the following main topics:
  • Interfacing DDR memory
  • Loop unrolling
  • Pipelining
  • Chaining
  • Multicycling

Who should attend

Engineers and researchers who are developing and optimising FPGA-based systems.


Participants have to be familiar with Verilog and FPGA-based development.

Course methodology

This course is presented in a workshop style with lectures interlaced with demonstrations and hands-on practical sessions for maximum understanding.

Course duration

4 days.

Course structure

  • DDR Memory
    • Overview
    • Specification
    • Timing parameters
    • Command set
  • DDR SDRAM Controller
    • Introduction
    • Reading and writing RAM
    • Hands-on practical 1: Reading and Writing SDRAM
    • Advanced controller functions
    • Hands-on practical 2: Advanced DDR SDRAM Control
  • Memory Optimisation
    • Storage strategies for optimised DDR RAM access
    • Hands-on practical 3: Optimising DDR RAM Storage
  • Computation Optimisation
    • Overview of optimization techniques
    • Parallelism with loop unrolling
    • Hands-on practical 4: Loop Unrolling
    • Pipelining strategies
    • Data forwarding
    • Hazard detection
    • Hands-on practical 5: Pipelining to Increase Throughput
    • Chaining
    • Hands-on practical 6: Chaining for Balanced Pipeline
    • Multicycling
    • Hands-on practical 7: Multicycling to Hide Latency


Dr Royan Ong

Course Schedule





News on ProvenPac

  ProvenPac Sdn. Bhd.
  C-4-3 Gembira Park,
  Jalan Riang, 58200
  Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

  Tel: +603 03 5889 5889

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