Bridging the Gap
Training Courses
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Advanced Optimisation Techniques for C
Job role
Required field
Digital Systems
Advanced FPGA Interfacing and Optimisation
Coding Verilog for Portability
Developing AMBA AXI-compliant Modules for System-On-Chip Designs
Developing Simulations and Testbenches in VHDL
Fundamentals of Digital System Development with FPGAs
Fundamentals of PCB Design
Fundamentals of RISC Processor Architecture
Implementing Digital Signal Processing on FPGAs
Interfacing PCIe in Linux
Pipelined RISC Processor Architecture
Practical Layout and Routing of Mixed-Signal PCBs
Register Transfers and Sequencing in Verilog
Transaction-level Modelling and Bus Functional Modelling
Verilog for Synthesis
Verilog: Small and Fast
VHDL for Synthesis
Embedded Linux
Embedded Linux Drivers
Fundamentals of Internet Connectivity with Embedded Linux
Introduction to Embedded Linux
Open Source: Legal and Development Implications
Embedded Systems
8051 Architecture Fundamentals and Programming
C Programming for Embedded Systems
Controlling Graphical LCD and Touchscreen on Embedded Systems
Developing Practical WSN and IoT Systems with Zigbee
Developing Reliable Embedded Systems with C
Embedded Systems Development with Real-Time Operating Systems in C/C++
Embedded Systems Development with RTX RTOS
Fundamentals of Bare-Metal Code Development with the Altera Cyclone V FPGAs
Implementing H.264/MPEG4 on Embedded Systems
Internet Connectivity for Bare-metal Embedded Systems
Programming and Interfacing ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers
Programming and Interfacing PIC Microcontrollers
SD Memory with FAT on Bare-metal Embedded Systems
Serial Communication and Control with Visual Basic .NET
USB Interfacing for Bare-metal Embedded Systems
Green, Renewable Technology
Introduction to Wind Energy
Introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks
High Performance Computing
Hardware Accelerators for High Performance Computing
Heterogeneous Programming with GPGPU
High Performance Computation on Distributed Multiprocessor Environments
Human Resources
Fundamentals of Effective Presentations
Introduction to Survey Methods and Data Collection
Payroll: Best Practices and Statutory Requirements
Scholastic Writing for Conference and Journal Publications
Housekeeping (5S)
Information Security
Warehouse Management
Programming and Modelling
Advanced Optimisation Techniques for C
C Programming for Engineers
Developing Device Drivers for Linux
Fundamental C++ for Engineers
Fundamentals of C & C++ Programming with the MS Visual Studio Environment
Fundamentals of Visual Basic .NET
Introduction to Linux: Command Line Power
Linux Shell Programming and Makefiles
Python for Beginners
Tcl/Tk Programming
Regulatory and Quality
Environmental Act: Legal and Other Requirements
ISO14001 Environmental Management System Awareness
ISO14001 for Internal Auditors
ISO9001 for Internal Auditors
ISO9001:2008 Quality Management System Awareness
Quality Control Circles
Technical Consultancy
News on ProvenPac
ProvenPac is HRDF Certified
ProvenPac Sdn. Bhd.
51 Jalan BK 5B/5A
Bandar Kinrara, Puchong
47180 Selangor, Malaysia
Tel: +603 03 5889 5889
Roger Ong
Dr Royan Ong